Friday 30 March 2018

Do You Know - Cardiac arrest and heart attack both are different

Cardiac arrest and heart attack are both different, kept information. Because this is a matter of the heart.

Most people treat heart attacks and cardiac arrest as one problem, but in reality, there is a big difference between them. The heartbeat suddenly stops in the cardiac arrest and requires immediate medical care during this time, but often people make the mistake of understanding the cardiac arrest as a heart attack. The thing to note is that no symptoms appear before the cardiac arrest, while the body starts showing signs before the heart attack. Here we are emphasizing some similar points which explain the difference between heart attack and cardiac arrest.

What is the cardiac arrest?

In this situation, the heart stops working suddenly, with which the breathing process and subconscious conditions also stops. This happens due to the sudden disruption of heart activities, which prevents the process of pumping blood. It stops communication of blood in the brain, lungs and other parts of the body. In such a situation, when a person does not get medical care immediately, the person's death can take place in a few minutes. Doctors believe that when the ventricular fibrillation occurs in the heart, then the exchange of interactions between different parts of the heart becomes confused. This occurs when there is a high amount of fibrinogen found in the blood. It starts to adversely affect heartbeat and struggles between the victim's life and death.

Be aware - The thing to note is that there is no symptom before the cardiac arrest while the body starts showing signals before the heart attack.
There should not be any negligence in case of heart disease, get immediately a medical consultation upon any sign and keep regular routine checks ups.

Urgent treatment is necessary

For the treatment of cardiac arrest, immediate Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is given so that heartbeat can be regulated. In addition to this, besides electric shocks are also given through the difriabilator to bring back the heartbeat. Due to a heart disease, the Cardiac arrest is more likely to occur. They are more likely to have a cardiac arrest, especially if the first heart attack has occurred. Such people should live as long as possible within the people. Don't stay alone.

Heart attack

Myocardial infraction starts when a sudden disruption in the coronary artery. This artery helps to circulate the blood to the heart muscle and when the blood is stopped reaching it, it becomes inactive. That is, some of the muscles in the heart stop functioning when heart attacks occur. There are many types of treatments for removing such blockages in the arteries including angioplasty, stenting and surgery. Attempts are made to bring blood to the heart.

These are Risk Factors

There are many lifestyle risk factors which increase the risk of cardiac arrest. It may including high blood pressure or hypertension, diabetes, smoking, higher levels of cholesterol, lower physical activity, weight gain or obesity etc. There is no subconsciousness or beating in the cardiac arrest. At heart attack the symptoms of respiratory failure, jaw, chest pain, and abdominal pain

Do not ignore it

  • More than 30 seconds of pain in the chest or feeling heaviness or tightness in the chest.
  • Feeling exhausted or uncomfortable without any reason, breathlessness, pain from chest to the left hand and to back.
  • Feeling irritation or restlessness in the chest

The symptoms are different

Cardiac Arrest is known as a malfunction of electrical function of the heart, whereas blood circulation has a major role in a heart attack. The cardiac arrest can occur suddenly without any symptoms, whereas the heart attack begins to signal only a few days before, which need to be considered. It is not necessary for men and women to have the heart attack and cardiac arrest symptoms alike. According to many studies - many traits can be similar in women and men. But some symptoms may be different. The main reason for this is that women also have preeclampsia, which is due to high blood pressure during pregnancy. Apart from this, menopause also increases the risk of heart-related diseases in women. It is generally believed that chest pain is the primary sign of heart attack or cardiac arrest, But this is not necessary. Discomfort, restlessness, fatigue, back, shoulder and neck pain can also be a symptom. Also, symptoms of obstruction in arteries appear more in men.

Eat them

Honey - Mixing honey with milk can be consumed for better blood circulation in the body.
Orange - Take orange juice in coconut water twice-thrice a day to control high blood pressure.
Lemon - It is beneficial to drink lemonade on increasing blood pressure.
Grapes - Regular consumption of grapes leads to better heart rate and relief in any kind of pain.
Pomegranate - It helps in the formation of new cells and protects against many other diseases besides heart.
Onion - It improves the cholesterol levels in the blood and the process of oxidation is also smooth. In such a way, try to use onion regularly.