Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Pharmacy MCQ Questions and Answers - Set 4

Pharmacy MCQ Questions - Set 4.
1. The wavelength source in NMR spectrometer is.
A. Goniometer.
B. Radio frequency oscillator.
C. High voltage generator.
D. Klystron oscillator.

2. A patient is advised to use Clindamycin 3% topical solution. How many 150-mg clindamycin capsules are required for compounding this prescription for 65 ml?
A. 3 capsules.
B. 13 capsules.
C. 23 capsules.
D. 30 capsules.

3. Which of the following respective phase-l and phase-ll reactions are the most common drug biotransformation reactions?
A. Oxidation and glucuronidation.
B. Reduction and acetylation.
C. Hydrolysis and glucuronidation.
D. Oxidation and glutathione conjugation.

4. Which one of the following drugs has positive inotropic and negative chronotropic action?
A. Dopamine.
B. Epinephrine.
C. Digoxin.
D. Isoprenaline.

5. Which one of the following therapeutic classes has been proved clinically as a first line therapy for heart failure and has shown decreased hospitalization, improved symptoms and delayed disease progression?
A. Cardiac glycosides.
B. ACE inhibitors (ACEIs).
C. Rennin antagonists.
D. Nitrites.

6. Which one of the following glucose transporters is the new drug target for the management of type-2 diabetes mellitus?
A. Sodium glucose linked transporter-2 (SGLT2).
B. Glucose transporter-1 (GLUTI).
C. Sodium glucose linked transporter-1 (SGLTI).
D. Glucose transporter-2 (GLUT2).

7. Which one of the following modes of HIV transmission carries the highest relative risk of infection with the single exposure?
A. Transfusion of blood and blood products.
B. Perinatal – form mother to child.
C. Sexual contacts with infected partners.
D. Syringe sharing with drug addicts.

8. Which of the following are the critical neurotransmitters playing the major role in depression?
A. Acetylcholine, Norepinephrine and Dopamine.
B. Dopamine, Norepinephrine and Serotonin.
C. Serotonin, Dopamine and y-Aminobutyric acid.
D. Acetylcholine, Serotonin and y-Aminobutyric acid.

9. A 55 years old man is under DOTS treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis for the last four months. Now, he has developed symptoms of peripheral neuritis. Which one of the followings is the right addition to his therapy to manage peripheral neuritis?
A. Cyanocobalamin.
B. α-Lipoic acid.
C. Pyridoxine.
D. Prednisolone.

10. What is the primary mechanism of action of local anaesthetics?
A. Activation of ligand-gated potassium channels.
B. Blockade of Voltage-gated sodium channels.
C. Stimulation of voltage-gated N-type calcium channels.
D. Blockade of GABA-gated chloride channels.

11. Which one of the following anti-asthmatic drugs can cause convulsions and arrhythmia?
A. Prednisolone.
B. Salmeterol.
C. Zafirlukast.
D. Theophylline.

12. Which one of the following anti-arrhythmic drugs acts by inhibiting potassium, sodium and calcium channels?
A. Quinidine.
B. Lignocaine.
C. Amiodarone.
D. Flecainide.

13. Opium gives deep reddish purple color with ferric chloride because of presence of.
A. Meconic acid.
B. Codeine.
C. Morphine.
D. Papaverine.

14. Increased risk of hypoglycaemia and weight gain is the common side effect of drugs used in the management of type-2 diabetes mellitus. Followings are some commonly used drugs, alone or in combination, for the management of type-2 diabetes mellitus”:
[P]: Metformin [Q]: Pioglitazone [R]:Glipizide [S]: Sitagliptin
Choose the correct combination which is weight neutral and without risk of hypoglycaemia.
A. P and Q.
B. Q and R.
C. R and S.
D. P and S.

15. Which one of the following receptors is NOT a ligand-gated ion channel receptor?
A. Nicotinic receptor.
B. 5HT3- receptor.
C. GABAA –receptor.
D. H2 –receptor.
1. Radio frequency oscillator.
2. 13 capsules.
3. Oxidation and glucuronidation.
4. Digoxin.
5. ACE inhibitors (ACEIs).
6. Sodium-glucose linked transporter-2 (SGLT2).
7. Transfusion of blood and blood products.
8. Dopamine, Norepinephrine and Serotonin.
9. Pyridoxine.
10. Blockade of Voltage-gated sodium channels.
11. Theophylline.
12. Amiodarone.
13. Meconic acid.
14. P and S.
15. H2 –receptor.