Saturday 17 February 2018

A 20-year-old girl, heart right: Liver, pancreas and spleen also found in the opposite direction

A 20-year-old girl, heart right: Liver, pancreas and spleen also found in the opposite direction.

A 20-year-old girl is living her life since childhood and she is living with her. There is a hole in the heart too. Liver, pancreas and spleen in the body are also located in the opposite direction. Doctors in the private hospital repair the hole in the heart. This situation is called a mirror image in the medical world. There is a case of this type of doctors in 10 lakhs. The matter is about the village foot pond of Jhabua district. The parents of their parents had taken their daughter for the treatment of Ahmedabad in childhood. Then it came to know that the daughter has a hole in her heart. However, doctors did not require the operation. After that, the daughter had no trouble besides her mother-in-law and she was fatigued. When the daughter was 20 years old, problems began to grow. She started having pain in the chest Then the parents took him to the local district hospital. From 9 am on February, a private hospital in Indore was reported.
Heart hole is around 2.5 centimetres

Statement of Cardiac Specialist

Cardiac specialist Vineet Pandey told that when the patient did not hear the beating after applying a stethoscope. The stethoscope was leased and then started beating the beats. An echo was done, then dextrocardia (heart-less) was found. Livingcardia (left and right) on the general person's screening The hole in the heart was also two centimetres. Usually not more than centimetres percent Likewise, the rest of the body also found in the opposite direction. The liver is left, and spleen left.

A bottle was not to be bleed

on February 10, the heart hole was repaired by open heart surgery. Usually, the patient needs blood during operation but this operation does not require a bottle of blood.