Sunday 18 February 2018

These 5 Ways to Get Pimple Free Skin, Will Never Become Problems

These 5 Ways to Get Pimple Free Skin, Will Never Become Problems

We do not do anything to keep the face clean. However, the reason for acne is always full of face stains. If you also want to make your face fluttering and want a pimple free skin then you have to adopt some easy ways. It is not difficult at all. You can get rid of this problem by sitting at home. In fact, confusion also decreases in confusion due to acne, Because there are hormonal changes in the body at every stage of life, due to which the pimples are on the face. Expensive products, skin is worse than treatment, in this case, with the help of Ayurveda, the face can be kept a pimple free.

Drink of aloe vera juice

Aloe vera has 75 nutrients in it, it also contains anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. These pimples fight with bacteria, for its use, by breaking the aloe vera leaves, take out the peel and rub it over your face and keep it for 15-20 minutes. Always use freshly broken aloe vera leaves or you can also consume aloe vera juice in the morning.

Finish on oil (lube)

There are some chemical properties to fight the acne in lemon, in which the amount of Vitamin C is very high. The biggest property of lemon is to eliminate oil (lube) because it contains citric acid. Lemon is a natural anti-bacterial-antiseptic. You have to put lemon juice on the face for which you use fresh lemon juice. Wash the face thoroughly before applying lemon juice on the face, then after it with the help of a cotton powder, apply two to three times a day, wash for 20 minutes and wash the face.

Even control the PH level of the skin

The easiest and cheap way to eliminate baking soda pimples is. The baking soda also eliminates the swelling around the pimples and keeps the control of the PH level of the skin as well. It also relieves unwanted blackheads. You only need to make a paste with a few drops of clean water or rose water in just one spoon baking soda and then apply this paste to the pimples place for 5-10 minutes to wash with water. If you use this paste daily, you will get rid of pimples soon.

Make Vitamin A Skin Soft

Papaya is a fruit that is famous due to its many properties. It is also effective for putting food together on acne. In it, beneficial vitamin A and many beneficial enzymes are found in our skin, which removes the difficulty of pimples and also makes the skin soft. You can apply a face pack at home or make a paste, apply it for 15-20 minutes on the pimples, and later wash the face with cold water.

Neem juice rich with antiseptic properties

Any injury or wound with neem juice gets cured quickly because its leaves contain antiseptic properties. Therefore it is also used for pimples. Due to the medicinal properties found in it, it is able to remove all skin problems caused by blood. For this, boil the neem leaves in water and after cooling, place this water in the place of pimples with cotton, or you can grind neem leaves and add water to it and apply face pack and face it on the face.