Saturday 24 February 2018

Women delivered "O Bombay Blood" from 300 km to save the pregnant life.

Women delivered "O Bombay Blood" from 300 km to save the life of a pregnant. The blood of this group is not even in the MY (Maharaja Yeshwantrao) hospital, Indore.
When a pregnant admitted to Maharaja Yeshwantrao Hospital was left 4 points haemoglobin on Thursday, doctors prepared to give blood, but the problem arose when the female blood group "O Bombay" turned out. The blood bank of the hospital was not lacking in blood, but due to having a rare blood group o Bombay blood could not be found. The donor woman of this blood group was called away from the 300km away from the blood call centre and the pregnancy was donated blood on Friday.

Arranged the blood within 15 hours

On Thursday night, at 8 o'clock, Ashok Nayak of the Blood Call Center contacted the woman Pravin Mansuri, a resident of Anjad (Bardwani). He also had O Bombay Blood Group. They sent the car 300km away from the hospital at 11 a.m. on Friday. Then the life of pregnant Shabana could be saved. According to doctors, without having too much haemoglobin, blood donated delivery could have been fatal. According to the hero, they have had three more such cases before this, when the patient needs the O Bombay Blood Group. Three lakh members are connected to their centre.

Rare blood group, only 300 people of this group in the country.

Bombay blood group rare blood group O The blood group was first invented in Bombay in 1952 by the doctor YM Bhande, hence the name was given to it. This blood group is also called "HH" and "OH" blood group. In this blood group, "H" antigen cannot express itself, which is in the "O" blood group. That's why this blood group does not make "A" and "B" antigens in its red blood cells. Due to not making "A" and "B" antigens, people of this blood group can donate blood to any blood group, but they can not take blood from any other blood group. There are 300 people in this group all over the country.

Types of Blood Group

A+, B+, AB+, O+ and A-, B-, AB-, O-.
Blood donation is very important and precious gift to anyone. We encourage you to Donate blood. Your blood can save someone's life.