Tuesday 13 February 2018

Constipation can also be caused by mental stress, Eat these

Constipation can also be caused by mental stress, Eat these. Constipation is a common problem associated with the digestive system, which can affect people of any age. The affected person can make some improvements in routine and get rid of it from some domestic remedies. There can be several causes of constipation- eating irregular food, eating stale food, low physical activity, mental stress, eating more lubricant and intestinal weakness, but all these can also be avoided. Let's know some natural remedies to fix it.


If the empty stomach is eaten, then the toxic (dirt) of the body will come out easily and energy will also get more.


It is known for medicinal properties. It contains many nutrients including many vitamins as well as iron, calcium, iodine and chlorine. Ginger also cures stomach cramps and indigestion along with digestive tract.


It is very beneficial in removing constipation. If someone has constipation, then after sipping in one lemon water before sleeping, drink two teaspoons of sugar and drink it. By doing so the problem of constipation will be gradually cured.