Friday 2 February 2018

Pharmacy MCQ Questions and Answers - Set 27

Pharmacy MCQ Questions - Set 27.
1.  Cardiac glycosides are synthesized from.
A. Shikmic acid pathway.
B. Acetate pathway.
C. Mevalonic acid pathway.
D. None.

2.   Alkaloid derived from Ornithine.
A.  Datura.
B. Hygroline.
C. Both.
D. None.

3.  Alkaloid derived from Tryptophan is.
A. Ergot.
B. Datura.
C. Belladona.
D. All.

4.  Prunasin is the glycoside synthesized from.
A. Tyrosine.
B. Phenylalanine.
C. Both.
D. None.

5.  Indole Alkaloids are synthesized from.
A.  Phenylalanine.
B. Tyrosine.
C. Tryptophan.
D. Shikimic acid.

6. Camptotheca is synthesized from.
A.  Phenylalanine.
B. Tyrosine.
C. Tryptophan.
D. None.

7.  Physostigma is synthesized from.
A.  Tryptophan.
B. Tyrosine.
C. Phenylalanine.
D. All.

8.  Caffeine is synthesized from.
A. Phenylalanine.
B. Tyrosine.
C. Tryptophan.
D. None.

9. Theophylline is synthesized from.
A. Tyrosine.
B. Tryptophan.
C. Ornithine.
D. Xantosine.

10. Mescaline is synthesized from.
A. Tyrosine.
B. Tryptophan.
C. Phenylalanine.
D. None.

11. Anthraquinone alkaloids are synthesized from.
A. Shikimic acid pathway.
B. Mevalonic acid pathway.
C.  Acetate pathway.
D. None.

12. Saponins are synthesized from.
A. Shikimic acid pathway.
B. Kreb Pathway.
C. Mevalonate pathway.
D. None.

13.  Match the following.
a. Shikimic acid pathway.                           1. Anthraquininone glycosides.
b. Tryptophan.                                             2. Quinoline alkaloids.
c. Tyrosine.                                                  3. Morphine.
d. Phenylalanine.                                         4. Ephedrine.
A.   a-1 b-2 c-4 d-3.
B. a-4  b-3  c-1 d- 2.
C. a-1 b-2  c-3 d-4.

14.  Linamarin is synthesized  from.
A. Phenylalanine.
B. Tyrosine.
C. Tryptophan.
D. Valine.

15. Lotaustralin is synthesized from.
A. Tyrosine.
B. Tryptophan.
C. Shikimic acid pathway.

16. Dhurrin is synthesized from.
A. Tryptophan.
B. Tyrosine.
C. Phenylalanine.
D. Mevalonic acid.

17.  Bitter glycosides are synthesized from.
A.  Mevalonic acid pathway.
B. Shikimic acid pathway.
C. Acetate pathway.

18. Shikimic acid pathway synthesized which amino acids.
A. Linamarin.
B. Isoleucine.
C. Tryptophan.
D. None.

19.  Caffeine is the example of.
A. Isoquinoline alkaloids.
B. Quinoline alkaloids.
C. Purine Alkaloids.
D. A and C both.

20  Ergot and Physostigma is the example of.
A. Quinoline alkaloids.
B. Isoquinoline alkaloids.
C. Purine alkaloids.
D. Indole Alkaloids.
1. Mevalonic acid pathway.
2. Both.
3. Ergot.
4. Phenylalanine.
5. Tryptophan.
6. Tryptophan.
7. Tryptophan.
8. None.
9. Xantosine.
10. Phenylalanine.
11. Shikimic acid pathway.
12. Mevalonate pathway.
13. a-1 b-2  c-3 d-4.
14. Valine.
15. Shikimic acid pathway.
16. Tyrosine.
17. Shikimic acid pathway.
18. Tryptophan.
19. Purine Alkaloids.
20. Indole Alkaloids.