Sunday 18 February 2018

These 9 symptoms show that you don't drink enough water

These 9 symptoms show that you don't drink enough water.

Water is very important for a healthy body. Our 50 to 70 percent weight is due to water. Its importance is for many physical functions. Lack of water in the body can also cause stress. If you are thirsty, you feel tired too. Sometimes a headache can occur and then irritability occurs. That is, the effect of its deficiency is also physically and mentally.

Dry skin

You apply moisturizer every day, but your skin is still dry. In this way, you need to drink more water.


If you get less urine, it means that there is a shortage of water in the body. 6 to 7 times a day should be urine. If it is not so, drink too much water.

A lot of headaches

If you have a lot of headaches, especially when you move, then this means that your body is demanding more water.

Mouth dryness

Many people often dry their mouth and then drink that water. Indeed, this sign is the lack of water in the body. For this reason, keep yourself hydrated.


If you are having frequent dizziness, it can also mean that there is a shortage of water in the body.

Feeling Hungry

Never mix hunger with thirst. If you are hungry by eating food, then drink 1 glass of water and then eat it.

Digestive problems

Due to drinking water less often the problem of digestion persists. Due to lack of water, the food does not digest properly. In the absence of water, the intestines are not cleared.

Muscular pain

The lack of water in the body causes muscle pain problems. Often people do not drink water in the right amount after the gym, which causes pain in the muscles.

Joint pain

Due to lack of water or lack of water in the body, the problem of pain in the knees and joints often persists. Experts believe that every person should drink plenty of water.